Latest News
March 2024
Books are now my new job while I'm teaching at my guitar school, you can find my collection of books on all Amazon stores as paperback or digital. Of course they are instructional book and I still love the paper to sign things and much more. I have a big collection of instructional books from great players like Frank Gambale, Al di Meola and many more. I love book, so check out them here in the EN section of the menu.February 2024
This month my friend and great musician Vitalij Kuprij passed away. He was my musical hero for many years and I had the privilege to be his friend, to meet him face to face and to have him guest at my house few times. He played in front of some of his shredding with crossing finger or other crazy things. I feel very sad for that, he was young only 49 and he was a genius on piano. I remember when we met for the first in Rome and visited Colosseo by night and then in the Hotel he gave me all the Artension's CDs he had with a t-shirt and some solo albums... but as a fan I already had all his albums! He invited me to play a short solo on his fouth solo albums with some players out of this world including me like them and it was incredible for me. In the next years he played on my 2 albums, I created for him his official website and I did the covers for his classical albums and Glacial Inferno... it was such a great pleasure for me, we were friends but I was still a fan boy with him! In the last year we email only few time, he was a lot on tour with TSO but you know sometimes you just need to know all is ok but when I heard this news I was completely shocked and everything is now so different. Everyday I spent a part of the day thinking about him, about he is not here anymore, he won't write new music and the world lost a great musician. Goodbye my friend.I just want to share with you these few videos I recorded at my home in 2005 and in the next year, it was a dream come true to have him near me! Thanks for your music, thanks for all you give to me.
January 2024
During the last decade the music business is changed so much, I remember the time there were record label to send demo tapes before to have a CD released or searching on youtube some cool and interesting video was more easy because there weren't so many players on internet. I build my first website around 1997/1998 on the "" service and then I bought my own domain. I don't feel old, I'm just 45! but the young players out there are totally amazing, I see guitarist so great and I'm so happy to see them! I'm trying to update my social channels weekly... I try of course!I receive some emails from people who remember me from my first solo album "Suspension" and it surprises me so much, that album was something more of a demo but it had a big feedback thanks to and more websites! I'm working on a new video of that song and more instructional books you can search for them on ALL amazon stores, no matter where you live you can find a copy in .com, .it, .de, .es, and many more!
Have a great time and Enjoy life!
I'm working hard on my instructional books, I wrote more than 20 in the last years and you can see and order them from Amazon.November 2021
PRIMAL INSTINCT OUT NOW My new instrumental metal solo album is out now! You can order a CD format or digital on or on iTunes, Amazon and many more.For all my friends from Japan you can order the CD format from Disk Union you can find also my past albums there! Get a copy now!
September 2021

July 2021
In the last week I filmed two new exclusive video for Young Guitar Magazine to promote my books in Japanese language, check them out and order a copy on Amazon:

May 2021
RELEASE DATE: September 2021! On this date my brand new solo album will be officially released! Stay in tune for new video promo and much more!April 2021
My 2 Instructional Books are now in Japanese Languages on
March 2021
Third and last guest player on my new solo record is Rusty Cooley! Release date is coming soon!
February 2021
Second guest player on "Primal Instinct" is another great player from Japan: SYU!
First guest player on my new record is the amazing guitarist Takayoshi Ohmura!

January 2021
Let's celebrate 2021 with Music! Use the discount code SHRED2021 until 7th January on all my albums on waiting for the new instrumental solo album! Stay in touch!
New album "Primal Instinct" will be released soon! I'm working on mixing and mastering. The new album will include also some incredible guest players... stay in tune for more details!